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The following are some of the advantages in Photoshop coding


Converting Photoshop design into HTML or CSS makes it to conform to the market standard at a particular moment. This conversion also enables cross border compatibility and validation of W3C in successful representation of WebPages in the internet. The   establishment and development of HTML5 into one of the developed markup languages in the world has greatly enhanced the web development needs. Conversion of Photoshop into a markup language is a critical aspect for the general development of a website. The popularity and success of a particular website is depended upon the manner in which the Photoshop is coded into HTML and CSS. However, if the conversion procedure does not perform effectively, it may result into a website being ruined (Adope Systems, 2013).

SEO Semantic Coding

Photoshop coding is mostly done by use of the semantic doing method. The  new  version   has  come along  with  semantic tags  which assist  a lot  to making  the  website  SEO  and crawlers  friendly. Further,  HTML  facilitates easier crawling   and  indexing  on  SE  since  each website element  will be defined  by HTML (Hodges, 2011, 15).

 Compatibility with Cross- browser

Photoshop design conversion into HTML or CSS   makes it compatible with cross-browsering, thus increasing the marketability of a website. Famous web browsers   including chrome, Internet Explore, Opera, Firefox are all friendly to HTML. This means that HTML websites conforms to many browsers.

Creating A Unique Design

In conversion of Photoshop design into HTML or CSS, what comes along is a website that is unique. Uniqueness is an aspect  which many web designers or developers aspire to achieve  for their websites. This owes to the fact that websites that are unique are appealing to visitors in comparison to those that use the usual template designing. Apparently, this assists in turning of a website into an effective marketing and branding instrument for a business entity.(Adobe, 2013, 2).

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