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The fact that it might have a lower popularity rate than other CMS handlers such as WordPress , it doesn’t mean that it is less effective in its influence in the world of computing. It is a much talked about CMS currently and is user base is growing fast.

It has brought in features to make it more adaptable for users who need a CMS with multiple modules and features that can be found in other CMSs as WordPress. It has more blogs treated to it and sees it’s trusted. Ellis guide have brought in a user guide that is well done and it has brought to a new level what support staff is all about. The staff is highly rated in terms of the professionalism required in computing. It has brought to designers and front-end developers to another level in terms of having extensive control right and not necessarily having to employ PHP skills, which is a great plus to it in site development. Expression Engine is able to combine available add-ons with built-in capacities devoid of PHP makes it quite a major player in the CMS computing world(Murphy et al, 2010).

 The amount of time that it saves by having not to be tweaked in the performance of tasks has given it an upper hand when compared with other CMSs . it is quite flexible for it has few template requirement and most of its sites are custom build. It is able to create community websites with ease as it’s powered by the codeIgniter framework (Ibid).

The fact that EE being created to be open ended and thus having no default layout or hierarchy makes it very popular in the web world for it gives one an opportunity to be creative in the layout creation, this is due to the fact that once installed, nothing is shown in the homepage. This creates room for creativity and customization. EE allows generally for more flexibility, for it has a dynamic approach as compared to the conventional static web sites.

Today, EE is able to make it simple for one for example to add a new article in an online magazine by simply accessing the publish feature through the use of the web browser and it automatically updates its through the use of EE conventionally required manually edit, update and even having to add a new page for the article’s full version (Jackson et al 2012).

Thus EE is a major player in the appropriate in the world today and it will continue being of much influence as it user base continues to grow in the web world today.

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