HTML Color Codes
When one visits a particular webpage, there is a probability of encountering various effects. A number of such effects including fading are performed by combining different technologies. This does not however, translate that producing such effects is a complicated procedure, rather it may involve the use of straight HTML code in completing such effect (Computer Hope, 2013,2).
In essence, HTML is a short term, which is used to mean the Hyper Text Markup Language, which is essentially the main web language. The main function of HTML is to generate the structure of a web page. The animation effects, which are normally constituted in the web, are not made with HTML. HTML offers a basis for such effects. In addition, it determines where particular items are placed in the browser. An entire web page could be built in HTML. However, if a website relies on HTML as its sole basis, it would reduce creativity. Html is utilized for structure and addition of text. Other aspects include the software for animation effects and scripting language (Robbins, 2007, 66).
HTML color codes refers to the colors employed in coding of a webpage. The first type of HTML colors that are employed include a specific set of colors that can be identified by all browsers. The second set of HTM colors employs hexadecimal codes that are followed by a botch mark in referencing the actual colors. Many web designers in the modern era employs the cascading style in defining colors pages for HTML webs.
According to computer Hope, (2013) color codes in HTML consists of hexadecimal triplets that stand for green, red and blue colors. For instance, the color code for red is #FF0000, which means ‘255’ red ‘0’ blue and ‘0’ green. These codes are employed to alter the background effects, color and or the text in a webpage.
CSS is a short term for Cascading Style Sheet. Most webpage elements are styled using CSS. CSS enables a programmer to direct a style for a specific element, which is then employed in the entire website. For instance, if one wanted the website headings to be blue and bold, he may define this using one code aspect, which would then be applied in all the website pages. This means that the necessity of recoding is eliminated. With CSS and HTML, the fading effects could be added within a specific web page (Adobe, 2013, 4)
Color Coding
The color attribute in web designing is quite a significant aspect. It is also a crucial feature of WebPages. Apparently, most webpage elements including table backgrounds, text, page backgrounds, frame borders, hyperlinks, and table borders could be colored, most of the light including those that which the computer monitor emits consists of a particular proportion of blue, red, and green elements (Montgomery, 2013, 7).
The amount of these color elements so emitted could be expressed in terms of number, which is peculiar for each hue or color. In essence, light emanates from a combination of light colors, which is then separated into its constituent hues but of varying amount. A combination of two light colors for instance produces a differing effect of combining similar paint colors. For example, green light and blue light produces Cyan. A combination of blue light and red light produces magenta. The outcome of combining red light and green light is yellow.
In most cases, a color’s numerical values are expressed using either one of the two color codes. Each of these code specifies the constituency of a color using numerical value, RDGRBL, where RD stands for red, GR for green and BL for blue color. The two types of color codes include Decimal Color Code, and the Hexadecimal Color Code. The former employs base 10 where the numerical value ranges from 00 to 255. Hexadecimal color codes on the other hand employ base 16 where the numerical value ranges from 00 to FF.
The type of color code employed in HTM is mostly hexadecimal, meaning that the color codes in the HTML will have a range value of 16 digits in them. Additionally, other browsers will not identify a color code unless it is preceded by the “sign #”. By use of CSS/HTML color picker or some specific color machine, a designer can fine tune or adjust the colors accordingly. In addition, he or she could be able to view each of these colors decimal and hexadecimal codes