In reality, after the Photoshop design has been coded into CSS or HTML, it is probable that some colors or areas are altered. Although future redesigning to replace the colors or areas so altered are possible, these measures are expensive and redundant endeavors which one could undertake. Drastic changes are difficult to undertake after this process is over. Further, the efficiency of such conversion is not guaranteed. In other words, the codes generated from such conversion do not articulate to be without error. For instance after the conversion is over, there could be some bugs which will either temper with the design of the actual PDS or the website functionality (Murray, and VanRyper, 1994, 230).
Another argument posted by opponents of Photoshop design coding are majorly emphasized on the outcome of the final product. After using much effort in making of a perfect design, one would end up achieving a mock up that is static. Additionally, the final product may not translate into the experiences, which one may expect in a browser. Another demerit for changing the Photoshop design into html is the issue of design flexibility. This is more particular in the case when the image slices are not appropriately optimized (WordPress, nd, 3)
Before PSD is converted into HTML, one need to learn and master another language used in the coding process the CSS. Though the language in such process is not so complicated, there is a need for sufficient time in learning of this language of coding. The required time depends on the specific person involved in this coding and his or her coding experience (Murray, and VanRyper, 1994, 222).
Another notable disadvantage experienced while converting photoshop design into HTML and CSS is that the additional codes generated would make a website to function in a slow manner. This would make a potential client to be bored while waiting for the website to load. Slow loading of websites may result into loss of potential clients and will apparently go to one, which is easy to navigate, and loads faster (Murray, and VanRyper, 1994, 225).
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