Project Description

    Matlab Professional Assignment help sample

    Problem?Solving Task
    Consider a 2??2 MIMO system with channel gain matrix ?? given by
    ?? = ?
    0.3 0.8
    0.4 1.5
    Assume that ?? is known at both transmitter and receiver and that there is a total transmit
    power of ?? = 12 ???? across the two transmit antennas, AWGN with ??0 = 10-9 ??/???? at
    each receive antenna, and bandwidth ?? = 1??????.
    Write a MATLAB script that can,
    a) Find the SVD for ??.
    (20 marks)
    b) Find the capacity of this channel.
    (20 marks)
    c) Assume that transmit precoding and receiver shaping have been used to transform
    this channel into two parallel independent channels with a total power constraint ??.
    Use MATLAB to find the maximum data rate that can be transmitted over this
    parallel set assuming MQAM modulation on each channel, with optimal power
    allocation across the channels subject to power constraint ??. Assume a target BER
    of 10-3 on each channel and that the BER is bounded ???? = 0.2??- 1.5??
    ?? -1.
    (20 marks)
    d) Suppose now that the antennas at the transmitter and receiver are all used for
    diversity (with optimal weighting at the transmitter and receiver) to maximize the SNR of
    the combiner output. Using MATLAB, find the SNR of the combiner output as well as the
    BER of a BPSK modulated signal transmitted over this diversity system. Compare the data
    rate and BER of this BPSK signalling with diversity (assuming ?? = 1/????) to the rate
    and BER from part c.
    (20 marks)
    e) Discuss the diversity-multiplexing trade-offs between the systems in parts c and d.
    (20 marks)
    Submission Requirements
    1. This is an individual assignment; please ensure the submitted work is your own as each
    assignment will be tested for academic integrity.
    2. The assignment report is to be submitted electronically through QUT Blackboard (due 31st
    May 2016).
    3. The written report should provide responses to all required tasks, as well as the MATLAB
    scripts used to produce your results.
    4. The electronic files submitted must be in a pdf file format. This ensures that your document
    formatting is preserved.
    5. Do not zip or archive your submissions.
    6. It is permissible to submit your assignment to Blackboard multiple times.
    7. However, only the latest submission will be marked.
    8. It is the student’s responsibility to check that files submitted to Blackboard have not been
    corrupted in the process. All uploaded files can be reviewed post submission.


    %%%%%%%%%%%% Variables declaration %%%%%%%%%%%%
    clear all
    close all
    H = [0.3 0.8; 0.4 1.5]; % Matrix H
    B = 1e6; % Bandwidth
    P = 12e-3; % Transmit power
    No = 1e-9; % AWGN Channel
    Pb = 1e-3; %Bit error probability ~ BER

    %%%%%%%%%%%% Question a %%%%%%%%%%%%
    [U,S,V] = svd(H); % Computing (SVD)
    Hcmp = U*S*V’; % Checking the relation H = U*S*V’

    %%%%%%%%%%%% Qestion b %%%%%%%%%%%%%
    gamma1 = (S(1)^2*P)/(No*B); % Gamma1 coefficent
    gamma2 = (S(4)^2*P)/(No*B); % Gamma1 coefficent
    gamma0 = (2*gamma1*gamma2)/(gamma1 + gamma2 + gamma1*gamma2); %Gamma0 coefficent

    C = B * log2(gamma1/gamma0) + B * log2(gamma2/gamma0); % Channel capacity
    %%%%%%%%%%%% Qestion c %%%%%%%%%%%%%

    K = -1.5/(log(5*Pb)); % M-1 value
    gamma0k = 2/(1 + (1/K)*(1/gamma1 + 1/gamma2)); %gamma0k value
    gammak = gamma0/K;

    R = B*(log2(gamma1/gammak) + log2(gamma2/gammak)); %Bit rate R

    %%%%%%%%%%%% Qestion d %%%%%%%%%%%%%
    lambdamax = 0.7592; % Max Wishart Matrix value
    Tb = 1e-6; %Bit time
    rho = P/(No*B); %Adimenssional factor
    gamma_s = lambdamax*rho; %Gamma for QPSK scheme
    PbBPSK = qfunc(sqrt(2*gamma_s)); %Probability bit error Pb
    R_QPSK = 1/Tb; %Bit Rate R







    Project Details

    • Date December 6, 2016
    • Tags Matlab, Programming

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