Project Description

    1. Implement the strcmp() function. The strcmp() function compares the two strings s1and s2. It returns an integer less than, equal to, or greater than zero if s1 is found, respectively, to be less than, to match, or be greater than s2. You should write a program that asks for two strings and print out the result of the comparison.


    1. Implement a function strreverse() that takes two strings s1 and s2. It should write the reverse of s1 into s2. For example, if s1 is “abc”, then after the function is invoked, s2 has the value of “cba”. Your program should ask for a string and print out its reverse





    Submission Instructions:

    Please submit via email the following:

    –          The assembly source code

    –          The outputs of the programs

    Note on testing of the programs:

    As part of testing, you should make sure that your program works for all the cases. Please test your code as thorough as possible.

    Solution file consists of 3 files as below 

    Driver.c, first.asm and output.txt


    #include <stdio.h>

    int strcmp2(const char *s1, const char *s2); // we use strcmp2, because libc already have function with name strcmp

    void strreverse(const char *s1, char *s2);

    int main()


    char buffer[40];

    printf(“strcmp(“abc”, “abc”) %dn”, strcmp2(“abc”, “abc”));

    printf(“strcmp(“acc”, “abc”) %dn”, strcmp2(“acc”, “abc”));

    printf(“strcmp(“abb”, “abc”) %dn”, strcmp2(“abb”, “abc”));

    strreverse(“hello”, buffer);

    printf(“strreverse for “hello” %sn”, buffer);

    strreverse(“abc”, buffer);

    printf(“strreverse for “abc” %sn”, buffer);

    return 0;






    ; file: skel.asm

    ; This file is a skeleton that can be used to start assembly programs.

    %include “”

    segment .data


    ; initialized data is put in the data segment here


    segment .bss


    ; uninitialized data is put in the bss segment


    segment .text

    global _strcmp2 ; this name only for testing, because libc already have function with name strcmp

    global _strcmp ; export strcmp function

    global _strreverse ; export strreverse function



    push edx ; save edx

    push ecx ; save ecx

    mov eax, [esp + 12] ; load s1 to eax

    mov edx, [esp + 16] ; load s2 to edx


    cmp byte [eax], 0 ; check on zero if (*s1 == ”)

    je strcmp_2 ; if zero go out from loop

    cmp byte [edx], 0 ; check on zero if (*s2 == ”)

    je strcmp_2 ; if zero go out from loop

    mov cl, [edx]

    cmp [eax], cl ; if (*s1 != *s2)

    jne strcmp_2

    inc eax ; ++s1

    inc edx ; ++s2

    jmp strcmp_1 ; go to next iteration


    mov cl, [eax] ; cl = *s1

    sub cl, [edx] ; cl -= *s2

    movsx eax, cl ; extend cl to eax

    pop ecx ; restore ecx

    pop edx ; restore edx



    push eax ; save eax

    push edx ; save edx

    push ecx ; save ecx

    push ebx ; save ebx

    mov eax, [esp + 20] ; load s1 to eax

    mov edx, eax ; edx = eax


    cmp byte [edx], 0 ; if (*s1 == ”)

    je strreverse_2 ; if zero go out from loop

    inc edx ; ++s1

    jmp strreverse_1 ; go to next iteration


    dec edx ; –s1

    mov ecx, [esp + 24] ; load s2 to ecx


    cmp eax, edx ; if (eax > s1), eax – initial pointer to s1

    ja strreverse_4 ; if greater go out from loop

    mov bl, [edx]

    mov [ecx], bl ; *s2 = *s1

    dec edx ; –s1

    inc ecx ; ++s2

    jmp strreverse_3 ; go to next iteration


    mov byte [ecx], 0

    pop ebx ; restore ebx

    pop ecx ; restore ecx

    pop edx ; restore edx

    pop eax ; restore eax



    strcmp(“abc”, “abc”) 0

    strcmp(“acc”, “abc”) 1

    strcmp(“abb”, “abc”) -1

    strreverse for “hello” olleh

    strreverse for “abc” cba

    Project Details

    • Date April 2, 2015
    • Tags Assembly language

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