Security has evolved to be an indispensable component of the e- learning process, thus being regarded highly in the installation of the QUALITY ASSIGNMENT HELP e-learning program. The institution currently is best among other leaning institutions in regard to computer security due to a number of factors.
Its germane to privacy has enabled students to access courseware from different locations via different networks providing service mobility without fear of undue user identification this notwithstanding its capacity to enhance student competence through security information management practices that are easily understood to them. The institution has adapted the IEEE P1484 and IMS Global Learning Consortium programs in its privacy e- learning security requirements (Mason 2002). The IMS LIP specifications have been adopted in the maintenance of privacy and security especially in e-learning library utilization. This has attracted the best publishers to make use of our library where copyright legal concerns are strictly observed.
The monitoring of network activity is also featured in the curriculum for students, through which a platform for privacy policy enforcement within and outside the institution is created. This results to minimal casual hacker attacks in the institutions system. Onion Routing and MIX Networks have been applied to create a multiple-system monitoring process. The security curriculum is taught by highly competent staff both in and out of the QUALITY ASSIGNMENT HELP. The curriculum is user friendly as possible thus making it ‘fun’ to learn.
High ethical standards are observed by the staff and students of QUALITY ASSIGNMENT HELP in regard to e-learning administration thus creating trust with just a handful of culprits being identified in comparison to the high student population. This has also been achieved by rewarding the most professional system management students both academically and ethically as far as safety is concerned. A point awarding scheme is adopted in which students that QUALITY ASSIGNMENT HELP awarded scholarships to venture more on e- learning security management programs.
The school has currently embarked on an e-learning summer camp program that is aimed at sensitizing the students on the importance of e-learning security. Together with their guides, the students are able to invite system developers of the latest technology in e- learning security to guide them relevant material and answer to their numerous queries.
QUALITY ASSIGNMENT HELP will thus continue being a major player in the development and implementation of successful e-learning security programs that have only been realized through the cooperation of the competent staff and the student fraternity.
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