How To Do Time Management For Effective Performance
Effective time management optimizes and customizes one’s performance. Time is a very scarce and valuable resource. It is highly perishable, irreversible, and irretrievable.
It is the only resource that we all have equally. Time is an invaluable asset needed for everything in life. One must plan, organize, and control to avoid its wastage.
Our success with our jobs in particular and success in life generally depends on how well we utilize the time at our disposal.
The majority of successful managers and leaders are time-conscious people. They use their time efficiently and profitably.
Time is life and time management is self-management. To master your time is to master your life. In the Holy Quran, Chapter Al-Mu’minon, Verse 9, CREATOR OF THE WORLD talk about performing the Salah( Prayer) in a time-bound manner, this reflects the importance of time.
William Shakespeare also declares that ‘There is a time for all things’
Time management means the effective and efficient use of time (McFarland, Leonard, and Morris 1994). It is regarded as how the most important work is completed and that sufficient time is left for unexpected emergencies and crises that may occur.
Below are the unique characteristics of time:
- It is very personal.
- Time is the only resource we all have equally.
- It is in universal demand: everybody needs it.
- Time is nontransferable.
- It is valuable.
- Time can not be increased.
- It is absolutely inelastic.
- Time has no shelf life.
- It cannot be put away or stored and used when needed.
The time concept can be examined from the pedestal of urgency. Bliss (1976) categorized actions involving the use of time into:
- importance and urgent
- important but not urgent
- urgent but not important
- busywork
- wasted time
Tasks and functions that are important and urgent are those need either immediate attention at the nearest possible time.
As Bliss argued, because of their urgency and importance, the tasks take precedence over everything else. Time management problems are found in this sector.
Important but not urgent tasks separate effective individuals from the ineffective ones. Most of the important things in our lives are not urgent. Therefore they can be performed now or later but in most cases, they are postponed forever.
For example, consider that diploma course you have been planning to do or that career discussion you have been trying to have with your boss.
Some other functions are urgent but not important. They require your urgent action but when examined objectively. They are not really important to warrant the consumption of your precious time.
For example, if someone pesters you to be at his wedding you may accept it because the man is here with you. This urgent but frivolous function may consume the time you want to devote to other important but not urgent functions.
Worth-doing tasks
According to Bliss (1976), some tasks are marginally worth doing but are neither urgent nor important.
Sometimes, we do them in place of more important things because of their diversionary effect.
That is, giving us a feeling of activity and accomplishment while providing us the needed excuse for postponing important and not urgent functions.
In this case, we have used up the precious asset of time without much to show for it.
Time can also be wasted when we are ‘busy for nothing. A person may get unhappy as soon as he realizes this ‘irreparable loss’ of time.
He cannot point at anything he spent his time upon even if it is unimportant.
The essence of categorizing time use on the basis of urgency, importance, or otherwise of functions. That may consume time is to sensitize the supervisors and managers on the importance of time vis-à-vis performed tasks. This sensitization is another step in the right direction of effective time usage.
It is seen that many students could not manage their time and fail to submit their assignments before the deadline. provides the best supports for all those students who want to score high grades by submitting the assignments in a time-bound manner.
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