Development of the Expression Engine:
In the development of the Expression Engine, the software developer should be well versed in a number of areas. There is a need to have a good background in web applications. One must familiar with the installation and the local environment. For example, it’s setting up, testing how the Expression Engine meets the environmental requirements. One must know how to install and configure the EE.
The software developer should be able to explore the application as well (Ibid).
Software developers must give special insights into the development of the Expression Engine.
Software developers need to learn how to build EE templates.
Necceassy topics:
This would include learning well the EE URL’s and their template interaction ability. Soft developers must learn how to display content in the templates that is dynamic. And how to create personal EE variables.
They must have the know-how on the usage of EE templates tags in bringing templates with dynamic content to life.
In the creation of the site, the software developer will have to be informed on how to set preferences, create content sections, member accounts notwithstanding categories.
Developers should develop coding of templates so as to display content and categories.
And also they should learn the creation and management of statistical pages, the building of an RSS feed, and adding it to the site (Irelan 2010, p.106-107).
The developer should have advanced techniques for on-site development generally.
Other Necessities:
Advanced site one has to have basic development of expression engine in order to create websites that are more complex.
This would require knowledge on how to write in the template custom MySQL queries’ so as one is able to retrieve relevant data. Stand Alone Entry Forms should be set up so as it’s made possible to have content addition outside the control panel. The developer should have the capacity to use Embed Variables in sharing data found between templates. They must have knowledge of advanced tag use such as seeking dynamic parameters and searching for entries (p.107).
Website optimization is a plus topic that the developer should well converse within the management of the EE site. It does so to make the adaptable or user friendly to the end-user as possible. For practicable purposes, the developer should have a good understanding of the types of caching, on how to do away with queries that are not required as well as have the knowledge and capacity to handle the high traffic (Ibid).
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